H2bid Blog


There is a growing movement to get rid of plastic bottled water. Despite that, there are still others who believe the positive impacts outweigh the negative. Here are some of the pros and cons of banning bottled water:

Pro: It would help protect the environment

Plastic water bottle pollution is at an all time high. In the US, landfills are full of over 2 million tons of discarded water bottles. As these plastic bottles decompose, they release harmful chemicals that pollute our air. That’s not even mentioning the amount of energy and oil that goes into production!

Con: It could inadvertently make things worse

Unfortunately, banning bottled water doesn’t guarantee that plastic bottle waste will go down. Instead of turning to tap water or reusable bottles, consumers may buy more soda and other sugary drinks. These drinks come in plastic bottles that are thicker and have a higher rate of carbon dioxide emissions.

Pro: Bottle water can harm our health

The toxic chemicals and microplastics from water bottles don’t just pollute the environment–they can directly pollute our bodies and make us sick. Many people store plastic water bottles for long stretches, or reuse them without realizing that toxins are being leached into the water over time. Scientists still don’t fully understand the long-term repercussions of ingesting toxins from bottled water.

Con: Banning bottled water encourages unhealthy drinking choices

Removing bottled water from the shelves will not remove other packaged drinks like soda, juice and energy drinks. Sales of high sugar, high calorie drinks would increase. In a sense, banning bottled water would just be taking away the healthiest option.

Pro: You would save money

Bottled water is not cheap. The processes to bottle water are extensive and require many resources. This can be hard on the consumer’s pocket, and the government. Banning bottled water would open the way for alternative water sources to flourish–like free public fountains.

Con: Small and local businesses will take the biggest hit

Bottled water sales are a large chunk of revenue for many small and locally owned shops. Under a bottled water ban, customers would likely seek out other larger chains that have avoided the ban. This would result in lower pay for employees and fewer job opportunities–if the business survives at all.

Pro: It would stop the draining of local water sources

Most bottled water is just filtered municipal water. Basically, big businesses will drain local water sources that communities rely on–even in times of drought. Banning bottled water would stop this and reroute funds to public infrastructure and the protection of natural resources.

Con: Bottled water is a practical necessity in emergencies

In the event of a natural or man-made disaster, bottled water may be the thing that saves lives. Often after an earthquake, hurricane, oil spill, or worse, the local people are left without clean water. Although there are ways to clean contaminated water so that it’s drinkable, bottled water is usually the easiest and safest option.